Gary Ross Moderated Panel at “Blockchain Without Borders Expo”
The panel was entitled "How Regulation Could Help Cryptocurrencies Grow." Venue: Blockchain Without Borders Expo
Bloomberg Law Publishes Firm’s Article “Registered Investment Adviser vs. Exempt Reporting Advisers”
This article provides an overview comparing exempt reporting advisers (ERA) to registered investment advisers (RIA), including information such as how to become an ERA or an RIA and how to comply with both the federal and state securities regulators. Source:...
Gary J. Ross was a panelist at 2018 Crypto Hedge Fund Summit
Gary J. Ross was a panelist on the "The Challenges of the Legal and Compliance Environment," panel at the 2018 Crypto Hedge Fund Summit.
Gary J. Ross was a Panelist at the Crypto Funding Summit: Security Tokens & ICOs
Gary J. Ross was a panelist on the "Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Regulations in the U.S. and Abroad," panel at the Crypto Funding Summit: Security Tokens & ICOs.
Gary J. Ross Spoke Live for Northwestern
Gary J. Ross was speaking live for a One-Hour webinar for Northwestern on startups and investors.
The Firm Participates in Legal Hours for Token Sales, hosted by CoinList
The Firm participated in Legal Hours for Token Sales hosted by our client CoinList.
Gary J. Ross presents on Equity Fund Formation at Annual American Bar Association Meeting in Orlando
Gary J. Ross was a panelist for the CLE presentation of "Basics of Private Equity Fund Formation" at the ABA Business Law Section Spring Meeting 2018, Orlando, FL.

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