Stephen P. Casey
Tax Counsel

Georgetown University School of Law (L.L.M. Tax)
Kings Inns Dublin (B.L.)
University College Dublin (M.B.A.)
Trinity College Dublin (B.A.)
New York
United States Tax Court
Bar of Ireland
Certified Public Accountant, New York State
Chartered Tax Adviser, Ireland
Stephen Casey practices in the area of tax law. Stephen has close to 30 years of finance and legal experience. Stephen is both a tax attorney and a certified public accountant. In addition to his tax attorney position at RLG, Stephen has since 2012 maintained his own tax advisory practice, serving corporations, partnerships, and individuals in the United States and overseas.
Stephen regularly performs tax due diligence on behalf of a number of Wall Street clients in connection with acquisitions. He has also advised as to transfer pricing matters and has designed and implemented tax structures for various services and products, particularly those offered in Europe. He has also compiled tax advisory reports for sustainable energy investments in Africa.
Stephen is a creative attorney and has structured a number of tax-based funding plans for technology businesses, allocating incentives to investors and depreciation to funders.
Prior to becoming a lawyer, Stephen was the CFO for a number of private and listed technology businesses in New York and Dublin.